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Providence Journal February 12, 1924
(see text for this article below)
Pioneer To Give Lecture Course
“Radiotelephony” to Be Subject of 10 Addresses at Brown University
Registration Already Begun for Series of Meetings in Room 1, Wilson Hall. – General Discussions and Experiments Are Planned
Of interest to all radio enthusiasts who want to know something about the fundamental principles of the science and about the instruments in use today in the announcement that Roger Williams, one of the pioneers in radio experiment in this State, will give a course of 10 lectures at Brown University on “Radiotelephony”
Mr. Williams’s first lecture is scheduled for Wednesday evening, Feb. 20. At 8 o’clock in room 1, Wilson Hall on the middle campus. His topic will be “Fundamental Units and Their Measurement.” He will also take up tuning systems. The subjects of his remaining lessons will be “Electromagnet Waves, Transmitters and Antennas” “Reception Fixed Detectors.” “Thermionic Vacuum Tubes.” “Amplification, Audio Frequency.” “Amplification, Radio Frequency. “ “Special Cases, Regeneration, Super regeneration.” “Typical Receivers.” “Long Distance Transmission.” “Guided Wave Systems.” “Construction and Operation of Simple Receivers.”
The course according to Mr Williams has been arranged that some knowledge of rudimentary mathematics and electrical engineering will be desirable, but not necessary. During his lectures he will make experiments and give demonstrations freely. At the end of each lecture there will be an opportunity fo discuss topics of interest to the class.
Registration for the course has already begun and will continue up the night of the last lecture. Admission to individual lectures will also be optional. It is understood that Arthur E Watson, associate professor of engineering at Brown and in charge of radio experiment on the Hill has signified his intention of taking Mr. Williams’s course.