Inlaid Company of Providence was incoporated in 1908 for the purpose of engaginfg in the business of inlaying gold, silver, or other metal or substances on combs or other articles, buying and selling and dealing in, at wholesale and retail, jewelry, combs, toilet articles, noveties and notions in metal, celluloid, tortoise shell or other substances. 1 Capital outlay was $25,000 and officers were F B Platt, President; D H Butler, Vice-President; E P Platt, Treasurer and General Manager; Maude H Platt, Director. 2 Eugene P Platt from early life was in occupations which brought him before the public. Early on he was a page in the Rhode Island Legislature and later a page in the Congress in washington. Eugene P. Platt was born in Providence, R. I., September 4, 1869, and was there educated in the public schools; Murray's Academy, and Bryant & Stratton's Business College. He secured appointment as page in the Rhode Island Legislature, and later occupied a similar position in Newport, R.I. He began business life with the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, remaining eighteen months, then for nine months was in the employ of Foster & Bailey, silversmiths and jewelers. His next business venture was undertaken on his own account, manufacturing Albertype pictures with a plant on High street. A year later he began the manufacture of French Ivory Novelties on Eddy Street, Providence, his force consisting of six people. He remained on Eddy Street for two years, then moved to Cyr street, where fifty hands were employed, and three years later moved to his present location, No. 1058 Broad street, Providence, where two hundred bands are necessary to meet the demands of the trade. The president of the company is F. B. Platt, a brother of Eugene P. Plan, who is treasurer and general man-ager. The products of the Inlaid Company, incorporated under the laws of the State of Rhode Island, with a capital of $25,000, are sold all over the United States by travelling salesmen of the company, and agencies established in Australia, New Zealand and Spain. The company is the largest of its kind in Rhode Island and one of the largest in the United States. Mr. Platt married, in Providence, December 10, 1900, Maud H. Ricketts, daughter of Samuel and Nancy Ricketts. 3 In 1910 the company is listed as being at 42 Cyr 5 and in the same directory has a larger ad where they list their businees as Inlaid and white stones combs, buckles, barrettes, etc. Novelties a specialty. 6 In 1912 we aee that the company has moved to 1058 Broadstreet 7. In 1913, Inlaid company was listed as a creditor to S G Dabdoub & Brothers. Makers of religious srticles, manufacturers of rosaries, etc. 13 In 1919, Inlaid Company anounces insurance for it's employees. 16 The 1923 listing for Inlaid shows a businees capital of $25,000, incorporated in 1907 with F B Platt as president, D H Butler as vice president, E P Platt as treasurer and M H Platt as secretary. Products were toilet sets, clocks, frames and novelties. Employees totaled 120 8. This listing continues in 1925 9 an 1926 10 1927 shows Eugene P Platt still president by treasurer changed to A H Bliss 11. In 1926, the factory caught fire and destroyed the wooden structure in the rear of the factory and damgaed the factory as well. An ajoining house and garage were also damaged. The building did have a sprinker system but the water damaged the machinery 14. Finally in 1929 company names is listed as Inlaid and Optical Company Inc. 12 1929 was also rhe year the mortage was discharged. 15 It seems they produced many other items including a two radios called the Platt Portable Audion. There were two models, Type 1-A containing one 22 1/2 volt B battery, two dry cells, one WD-11 tubes, and Type 2-A containing teo 22 1/2 volt B batteries, two dry cells and two 199 tubes. 1058 Broad street, Providence Other items they produced judging by patents assigned to the company were a Barrette in 1911, a Tatting-shuttle in 1918, a Picture-securing device in 1918, and a Embriodery-needle in 1920 and 1921. Non Radio Related Products
Non Radio Related Ads Click to Enlarge The Boston Globe January 11, 1920
1 General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island, January 1908 2 Directory of Directors in the State if Rhode Island, 1922 3 The History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations - EUGENE PHILLIPS PLATT 5 1910 Directory 6 1910 Directory 7 1912 Directory 8 1923 Directory 9 1925 Directory 10 1926 Directory 11 1927 Directory 12 1929 Directory 13 New York Tribune, May 13 1913 14 Providence Journal January 27, 1926 15 Providence Journal May 2, 1929 16 Providence Journal December 25, 1919 |